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"Collaboration is of mutual benefit to our company and the academic world," Gao said. "We offer business insight and data, while the schools provide cutting-edge research and expertise.

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"Currently, the overseas pandemic situation is still severe, so we have to face the pressure of keeping the coronavirus out of China — at both land borders and waterways. To avoid any risk of spread across Yunnan, and even the whole country, we have made border management our top priority."

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"Chinese consumers have been the main driver of the recent success of Australian wine, which had been depressed for over a decade," Bruno said.


"Companies from Lhasa and other provinces purchase the products from our cooperative," said Chamba. This year, his cooperative received an order worth 1 million yuan from a company in Lhasa.


"Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the 2017 World Economic Forum at Davos is very important. He spoke very much in favor of globalization, cross-border cooperation, and about addressing shared problems. This is good for China's soft power," Dube said.


